Think Broader

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It was a very cold winters day,when I received the news,my best friend has passed away,my heart instantly froze, its like my feelings disappeared, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks,my body had felt everso weak,I was confused at this sudden saddening news,the worst part was hearing shes gone from this world forever,all this time I had not known what she's held inside,requested by her mother to come over and a letter addressed to me was what I received , it was I that she thought of who deserved every explanation possible,yet it was I that could not seem to understand,days and gone on,years soon bloomed,all I was left with was a letter saying goodbye, her reasons weren't all so clear,until I one day closed my eyes and pictured all her fear,finally I understood, I took back my ill words as fast as i could,I had called her a coward for leaving me so clueless,little did I realize the painfulness she cried through those very eyes..and one day I read the letter and it finally all made sense,the world can be a cruel place,its society that seems to firstly dictate and secondly disgrace,be it a terminal illness,some sort of disease,pigment of your skin,gender difference.. We all the same we all live in this world and at some point endure some sort of pain,none more superior as none less inferior, equal till death,same size graves,as you look at ashes of a cremation, from an entire body,a handful of dust is all that remains,so start using your brains,life is short,hold onto all that embrace your life,who knows when it would be the last time you hear them,see them or even hold them! Sometimes we take people for granted and more often than not we cut out people from our lives thinking we doing what's best for ourselves,we don't understand a person,we just jump to our own conclusions, when death happens,and you finally lose a person that gave you nothing but time,love and care,its not their loss to the world but your loss in this world,before you judge or criticize another person,understand them,every person crosses your path for a reason,my reason for sending you this,is in hope that you get the bigger picture to life,and if not continue reading this,and one day you too will understand my message. Aspire to inspire and inspire to aspire A phrase to remember #Itsmytime2shine_AsMuchAsItsYours! Kind regards Variksha Narrandes

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