Family Reunion Bridged By A Shooting Star

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A family reunion brought many relatives together, some I had not seen in

thirty years, some I had never met before. We are a family that put God first and over the generations have been blessed in many ways


    Took 12 ours by car to get to our destination.  The first night we all

gathered in a conference room at the hotel we were staying and performed a ceremony to welcome our beloved family members that were no longer with us, everyone was given a small lit candle as the lights were turned off, one of the minister from the family said a prayer inviting the spirits to join the festivites.  So after five minutes of silence and flickering candles, everyone sat down to a huge feast, I however went outside for a lil fresh air, as I was sitting outside on one of the benches,a beautiful shooting star flew over the motel looking just like those flicking candles, had been a long time since I seen a shooting star  , yet to me it was a divine sign from God that no matter how far you travel, if you believe in me my love you will always see.  It also confirms that voice I always hear,".Understand my son with God all things are possible'

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