Inflammatory Horror Stories

views: 1028

Poetry is quite the powerful form of expression.

This can be amplified by taking on a specific poetic voice. I, for instance, write as though I was the stereotypical "urban youth," slinging derogatory terms left and right and having little disregard for the views of others. While some find this highly inflammatory, I see it as a useful tool to heighten the expression of the subject matter. There are a myriad of ways to describe an event and every different perspective yields a new outlook; each person defines moments differently and, while prefer to use a more tame vocabulary, I find that the repitition of short and emotionally-charged words helps drive home the message. I in no way am an advocate for violence or misogny, but it is important to remember that every subculture has a voice that deserves to be heard, even if you may not like the sound of it. Poetry itself has never been averse to a young poet utilising certain phrases, so why should any one person see it fit to take it upon themself to interject their personal opinions on one's work? In an ideal society (at least in my eyes), every person would be given the chance to speak, but that doesn't mean we all would have to agree with them.

This is just a bit of a disclaimer for any of my work and an explanation for why I choose to write as I do.

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