hopeless [full] specie
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Hink of everythin that a society holds unacceptable for every “women†around the world. Then think of any of those things a look at them as “men†everything we ought to do is things society in reality excepect to do for men in real life. Not to be above them ever. Because we are beneath them that we should never diversify our self. If we shift even an inch( where we really are right now in life. Yes I believe the change we made is so minor we should never be too comfortable. If our black ancestors gave up after the slavery has ended we would never see this day. We wouldve went back to square one. Like how we are now doing the modern way by following kids in the dark. But that’s another disscussion.) We will not be tolerated; no matter how much of the “respect†that we may gain “she†will never be fully accepted nevertheless celebrated. So the same way reality we can look at literally is seen is diminishing somewhat ; its adding up on the other side in a form like self esteem sex pleasure of the “menâ€; where we can surrender ourselves or parts and bits to the male entity. Don’t be fooled because everyone can learn how to control their emotions that had forsakend them in the past; doesn’t mean its not a mind game. But am not blaming it on the men Atlist not entirely because I see it like this the parents is say society.there’s one son say the male and then another one say the female. Then the parents favors one of their sons say the male in our example so although this happens I believe the favored one is bound to wonder why Atlist that’s what I think. No matter so expolied. But the parents are the mix of both female and male so we all contribute to this thing we call society’s ***push on women. So *** this I say why can’t God be a women. Why not? This is no disrespect to no religion but I just can’t hold on to my questions just because some one “ may†not like it. We have questions. *** it this ***ing generations adult-youth has questions. But we are so afraid of conversing because we think of what could be reciprocated so we get scared. So we hold on. So we blame each other for making us hold on. But no one literally forced us. But we know some who do it by manipulating us; each of us we are blaming it on one another. I don’t care who the hell you are; no matter how unimportant or important you feel *** it let’s come together show each other what we don’t know what we know. Let’s stop being so stuck up. We all need each other. I feel like if I die (I will probably will) before we start seeing just a little bit of light ( I don’t believe there is any actual light right now ; there is just conversation ; we are told that there is light, we are in quest of that with out realizing it. But we all take different routes so we billitle each other for how we choose to look our light. That’s from birth it ain’t nun that we produce here. Our choice is so different we create a different reality. If there was only one reality then there will be only one person. If we try and solve this puzzle our realities will align with eachother. Forming one reality. Forming one doesn’t mean it became the same but rather its aligned and its a piece of one another. When we align that we form oness imagine how powerful we are. Imagine if we put each a drop. How powerful would that be when we all surrender to pain and give up then you see a little light. The hopeless person is the most hopeful because that person only dream of what it didn’t have. So we loose the choice to let go.I wish we could do that; you know form a reality beyond our imagination we becoming one with god wanna see god its all of us together - if we meditated; did yoga; go vegan; drank water; do psychedelics; all those acid stuff but still get back to the same reality with no new kicks you re bound to loose. We are now becoming more mindful or “consious†we belittle what we think of “not woke enoughâ€. But which one is which really true. But i say let’s give each other time maybe we re excelling a lot faster than the estimated time or we are a little slow so how are we suppose to grow if hated on the other for the time that may not even exist.
I digressed too many times I don’t even remember what I was talking bout anyway enjoy this piece of mind of mine.
Sorry not sorry for my typo I was in the moment.
So save the corny stuff.
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