That Day Changed Me Part One

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She inhaled a long drag from the filtered tip of her cigarette. Abby had always planned to quit but never really tried. She loved the late Spring simply because she could sit in the “open air” patio. And there on that patio she could enjoy her Cosmopolitan and friends simultaneously with her cigarette. Abby awaited the arrival of her fellow “Happy Hour” companions. After work drinks always commenced immediately upon the close of business at 5:00pm on payday Friday. The composition of the party was always augmenting and decreasing in numerical values and specific revelers except for Abby. She was always in attendance. She held court at the little Mexican cantina directly across the street from the office. As her loyal subjects straggled in arriving in various headcount figures, Abby caught sight of the new Operations Manager Darren McGhee. Abby wondered about his intentions. Had he planned to join in their payday Friday ritual? But before the notion matured into a full term thought, he was pulling out a chair from the six haphazardly conjoined outdoor tables. It was unheard of for a Senior manager to hang out with the Supervisors and untitled employees. Apparently no one informed him of the status quo which Abby intended to rectify...immediately. Speaking without a filter was often the impetus for Abby to apologize for her assessment of situations and today would be no different. As the tables began to fill, she leered at Darren who was obviously oblivious to her best “What the hell are you doing here look?” After 10 fruitless minutes, in which her coworkers snickered at her growing annoyance, she finally spoke. “So Darren, she being “Middle management” had been encouraged to call him by his first name, “What brings you to our little soiree?” Hoping for an explanation, that would soon subtract him from the alcohol imbibing group, Abby hung on his every word. But alas, this would not occur as neatly as she had envisioned. “Well Abby, I have always made it a practice to spend some of my leisure time with my fellow co-workers. I've found it strengthens the cohesion of the staff. Wouldn't you agree? I've heard tell that you in fact hold to the same belief.” Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, “Didn't your parents teach you that you cannot believe everything you hear?” After the cold flash of his hazel eyes he retorted, “Well, as I have seen for myself, you make this ritual your reigning priority on payday Friday. And my parents died when I was just a boy. So no, my parents did not to teach me that valuable lesson. Nor did any of the Counselors in the various state operated group homes I was dumped in from age five. And especially not by the money grabbing foster parents that I was sold to. However, I am in your debt for your educating me!!!” Rising from his seat as he uttered the conclusion of his response, he looked out at the various transfixed stares, grinned with perfect teeth and took his leave of the astonished group. They had all witnessed the obvious tension between the two members of management. What they couldn't understand was “why” had Abby gone in on Mr. McGhee. In honesty, she had no earthly explanation for her ill tempered behavior. Her ears still rang with his voice announcing the deaths of his parents causing her to wince. The following day she was scheduled to close the store. This entailed various duties that Abby had to perform. Her favorite being counting and verifying, with a Senior Manager On Duty (SMOD), the cash drop bags from that day’s business. Much to her chagrin she learned that the SMOD was none other than Mr. McGhee. They had spent the shift orbiting one another’s various locations. They both had caught the other maintaining a visual bead one upon another. It seemed the massive square footage was not large enough to keep them separated. Neither was it small enough to hide their growing physical attractions. Using her own key to the Cash Office rather than just knocking to gain entrance from McGhee; who had already been located within the Cash room walls for at least one half hour. She wasn't prepared for the outcome of her entrance into the office. As she entered the office they ran into one another. He had been on his way out to retrieve his soda. Darren was a solidly built man of 55, that much she discerned during their frontal collision. Abby always moved faster than most ordinary humans. And it was this speed which caused her to physically rebound and lose her balance upon contact with the pillar of strength that was McGhee. As she was on her way to a hard impact with the tiled floor, Darren extended his arms to interrupt her descent to the floor. Having denied gravity its due by grabbing and holding the weight of her, they ended up face to face with bodies intimately entwined. She was in an inclined position with her back being supported by the enigmatic McGhee. Her face flushed a deep and bothered sort of red because of the proximity of their bodies. The temperature in the small office climbed several significant degrees all because of their body to body contact. His mouth came crashing into lips causing her to lose her breath and her grip on the reality of the situation. His kiss left her wanting more than his lips. The stiffening of the crotch of his pants told her she was not alone in the “want” department. Replacing her to her previous vertical state, he opened his mouth to apologize for his unprofessional behavior, but it was Abby who spoke first. “What just happened and why did it happen?” she queried with insistence. In Darren’s mind her questions bordered on the ludicrous side of logic. She was a degreed and intelligent woman. “How could she not understand the mechanics of a kiss?” He's mused to himself. Darren stated in a rather droll tone, “ When one person’s lips are joined to another person’s lips it is called a kiss. It is spelled “K”, “I”, “S”, “S”. You can Google it. It happened because I wanted to know what those luscious lips tasted like. And my curiosity does not end with learning how your lips tasted.” Advancing into her personal space, he physically grabbed her backing her into the door of the office. Placing both hands on both of her shoulders pinning her firmly against the door thus eliminating her ability to retreat as his mouth reclaimed hers once again. But this time she struggled with all her might but her strength was nothing in comparison to his. The “true” struggle was taking place within the most intimate physical locale, her vagina was aflame with desire for this man. When he relinquished his oral hold upon her lips, she raised her hand and slapped him...hard upon his left cheek. Showing no signs of emotion, Darren simply stared down at her with narrowing hazel eyes. Feeling her slap was ineffective, she raised her hand to strike him once more. However, there would be no encore to the first slap. He had seen to that by grabbing both of her hands with one of his hands while propping her against the door with a well muscled and strong leg pinned between her own pair of legs. His free hand was in an ascent between her legs where he learned she wore no panties. Resting his fully engorged male member upon her thigh, he searched her eyes for a sign as he entered her with his long center figure. When Abby finally acquiesced complete control over to Darren, he immediately pulled back; having looked for and received a sign of confirmation of her willingness to allow things to progress physically. Darren’s sudden dissipation of his sexual interest left her feeling preyed upon and vulnerable. Two sensations that had not played any significant role in her life since being sexually assaulted as a young girl. The attacks left her bitter and often unnecessarily cruel. Those events were the cause of her often misunderstood aggressive manner. She was more bothered by the cessation of his actions than by the inception of them. Her face reddened as he teasingly licked the finger which had previously delved into her honey pot causing it to bubble over leaving a thin sheen of her drizzle upon Darren’s finger. Unbeknownst to either Darren or Abby their entire encounter had been witnessed via security camera by an unseen entity who roared with rage. This unknown interloper slumped backwards with an all encompassing inferno of a vengeful jealousy into a padded swivel chair. “They'll never get together to consummate that relationship, I forbid it!!! It should be and will be me who does the consummation!!!” More to follow next Monday, August 8th!!!

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