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Im striving for someone to be that someone for me So i can be that someone for someone else Im just strivin to define....this... Under these star filled skies our souls align I struggle to divide these very seconds in time So that this present feeling can endure This present feeling fills voids Deep within the cobwebbed corridors of my heart Spaces unchartered for several eternities I look foreward to learning these Subtle signals of interaction With every touch your lungs contracting As my faulted fingertips ascend And follow the elegant contours of your lips

Somewhere deep in my imagination I wish you were as omnipresent As the very air that circulates through my respiratory Diminishing the very possibility of your vacancy Placing me ...face to face with the Inextinguishable source of my heaven ......YOU.. Free to just feel you...fill me forever

To fall into the very depths of your character Would be as pleasing to me as The very magnum opus of the symphonies composed Filling gods headphones as he manufactured such optical oppulance Your beauty so natural and as breathtaking As the very first sunrise Bathing the very primitive elements That would soon conceive your deep ....dark.... skin You were beautiful before beauty existed You are the thought he mixed in golden cups Adding every periodic element ...periodicaly Dropping in the very substances That would substantiate the very solidification of our synergy Those very deep aspects of your being That reflects my interior architecture As we build.... You become that very ....someone For me to be someone for So that i may have someone to be that someone for me Maybe that someone ...will materialize .....someday And not only exist as someone in dreams


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