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many peoples journey through life deals with 2 things pleasure or pain ,striving to experience as much pleasure as they can while relentlessly Avoiding pain...but what if their view is flawed what if one longing for pleasure will in time bring them pain ?,,i think on this in reference to a perspective of ethics in philosophy called egoistic hedonism which is self pleasure and the pursuit of it, now it would seem that when we look At those around us and even our selves we build our life on these things and it bounds us as a slave to our passions and desires with every interaction ,this is our day sex,eating , bad habits ,drugs,drinking unhealthy relationships ,avoiding work and responsibilities ,not growing because we are stuck in our self created rut, all of these things we have convinced our selves will provide the feelings we need to feel whole or worth something not able to realize that we are not tapping into a fragment of our worth because we choose to go along with the temporary"fix" that our misdirected actions bring ,its like being addicted to the wrong way of thinking which many don't realize is the worst lets say we're tired of this life????? Lets flip it what if pain in time brought us pleasure ? Many would think that this is not possible ,,,but think of this when you work out you have to go through the pain in order To get the pleasure of fitness ? When you meet someone you should fully understand this person before you give yourself to them,,you are the prize so to speak so the other has to be worthy of that ,or else you deal with the regret of being hurt by someone unable to really blame them because you gave yourself to someone you didn't know because you liked the way they made you feel (pleasure) getting caught in temporary emotion ,,,there is so many ways in which pain first in the form of patience can help ones life but we live in a microwave society in Which patience is seldom seen ,,realize that the pain we face better prepares us to appreciate and prolong the pleasure because its earned ,its like that feeling when you cash your check after weeks at work ,you went through the pain for that,and you were rewarded.. Why not apply this in all aspects of life? Put the time in, its like we either racing against time or we are wasting it when there should be no fear towards it ,it is and has always been there for us to utilize if not it wouldn't have been calculated into seconds minutes and hours , we can use it and endure the needed pain to receive that pleasure of success and fulfillment ,i read in a book that we must deal with the pain of discipline Or the pain of regret , that discipline is the avoiding pleasure and impulsive desire ,not becoming like a monk lol but just not doing things Based on feelings but place more reason in the mix ,ask yourself why ? what will come from this ? Don't ignore your higher self telling you something isn't right which we all have done ,,,,i think that the understanding of this is vital for our life ,that regret is when you look at where we are in life and have little joy about it ,we can take charge ,I've learned that myself and it starts with realizing what mental habits we have formed and what they have done for us so far ,,,its like we have been brought down to an animalistic way of living ..think about it survival is not what life's about its about expression ,energy , growth, legacy,and so much more that words fail to comprise a comparable definition ......but bills,clothes,sex,and drugs, is death, its being changed into a consumer and killing your purpose of production and creativity ,what mark will i leave ? This is the question one should ask with every waking moment ...this is the question that changed my view of life someone asked me what i was worth? And what would the people that gave me their last and raised me remember of me when they die or i do? These things caused me to question my self why am i here?and what can i do to not let this define me ,,through college courses and extensive amounts of reading ,meditation and overall growth i strive to produce these thoughts to help others who may not be in physical prison but in a mental prison of their own creation,,i am at the lowest point of life physically but mentally i understand that this is that pain ,and i embrace it , i just want those people who may read this to realize that in those moments in which you question the life you live you have the chance to make a difference in it ,dissatisfaction is the first step upon a painful path but it is 100% certain that once you start to see your own development the pleasure that brings nothing can compare to it is the ultimate level of nobility to be able to look at who you once were and know that your control where you can reach , 
If you have taken the time to read this i greatly appreciate the ,energy and i salute the divinity within you........peace,7

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