Little Ali
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Not too long ago, in Cider, MS there lived a young boy whose name was Ali. At ten years old Ali was one of the bravest child in the small town. The elderly loved being around Ali because he to had something positive to say each day. It was a fact that the children enjoyed having Ali playing. Most of the children nicknamed him "Bok" as Ali would tell them "It's going to Be Okay." Ali's parents didn't mind him playing but they kept a watchful eye on him. It was a family secret that Ali was born with a ailment that would shorten his life. Knowing his days were numbered, Ali lived everyday to fullest. He rarely ever complain about anything. Each day after school Ali could be found in his yard riding his bike or or playing fetch with his dog "Shelby." As the summer approached and school was ending, Ali body started to change. It was noticeable that little Ali was losing weight. "Are you ok Ali" asked one of his teachers." Ali was a very strong boy as his father had told him to never show his weakness. "I'm going to be okay" Ali replied. Hearing the reply the teacher was assured everything was normal. On the bus ride home from school, Ali could feel himself getting weaker. Exiting the bus, Ali fell to the ground as he missed the last step. The bus driver quickly unlatched his seatbelt to check on little Ali. "Are you alright Ali?" He asked him. Picking up his books as he stood, Ali looked the bus driver straight in the eyes and said " I'm going to be okay." Ali would mess the next few days of school because of his illness but his friends and teachers didn't notice because many students didn't cOme on the final days. Inside Ali's room there were countless pictures of famous people that covered his walls. His parents believed that Ali drew his strength from seeing them battle different illness's in their lives. Staying home from work, both Ali's mother and father sat by his bed side. It hurt Ali's father to watch his only son lie on the bed barely able to move. "How do you feel son?" Ali's dad asked. Coughing to clear his throat, Ali reached for his dad's hand. "Remember you said be strong, remember you said be brave, remember you said be a fighter?" Ali reminded his dad. These were things Ali's dad had spoken when they first decided to tell him that he was sick. "Yes son, I remember all that" Ali's dad said back to him fighting back his on tears. Ali's mother could not bare the sight of seeing the two men in her life in such a state. "Ali, mommy loves you! Can you let us know if you are hurting?" She asked. Ali knew his mom was more nurturing and could be emotional. "Mom, remember you told me not to worry, remember you told me I was special, remember you told me all good things must come to an end!" Ali's memory was still sharp as this sickness had weakened his voice to a whisper. Ali's father saw that the mother was about cry as he reach her a napkin. "Baby you know I remember that" Little Ali's mother said. The only thing neither knew was Ali's time was shortening by the second. "Well trust and believe that I will Be Okay" he spoke, as Ali closed his eyes and fell asleep never to wake again.
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