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ITS ABOUT TIME (Dedicated to Brensley philippe and Serge Aurubin)
A writer must remain accountable for the words, scribes are also responsible for the readers journey. Writers and readers have love hate relationships but for the most part it's mostly, Romance, suspense, SIFI, Comedy and Drama, no different from any other kind. Some readers tend to think that they are reading the writers mind but, actually they are just reading a book or some Scribe that the author/writer wrote down.
Readers are very picky,they take their reading very seriously, (IOA) Interpretation, Observation, Application. Writers have no choice but to bring it because readers demand it.
Scribe/Writers, take our words very seriously, being in charge of words, is a big responsibility, should we choose to use the wrong ideology out of context the idea that we had in mind can get entangled in the riveting view point of the reader, that type of typo can so easily confuse and mislead our readers, through the woods on to a path that goes no where close to the subject, so, our solemn oath, is to, taxi our reader down the runway taking them all the way to their desired destination. Sometimes we may run through a few stop signs switching lanes at a high rate of speed on the freeway, our duty is to get there without causing our intrigued passengers harm by being thrown through the windshield, if we should decide to suddenly hit the brakes, it is our responsibility to get them there period.
Where ever there might be, for many there can be anywhere, sometimes readers get lost in a place where the writer did not intend to drop them off, it happens to me all the time, like times when I have run out of fuel and all the stations are closed, unfortunately some poor soul is somewhere hanging on for dear life to a cliff hanger, believe me from one writer to another, you do not want that to happen, NO SIR! That does not make a readers day. I have been reprimanded for that, I just raise one eyebrow with a half cocked smile and say, "I will do better, next time" Yeah, Right! I'm a Poet so catch my Flow,if you get my drift.
I'm a firm believer that you have to be where you are, while you are there.
It's important to know where you are going,even if you are not the one doing the driving.
The only reason you are where you are is because you decided this is where you a long time ago.
I found that light of wisdom in The Book that started the movement. An Urban Story guide to what inspires the poetry in all of us.
It only makes sense to me, there is no place called lost, if it is you can't get there by making a wrong turn. Or getting off at the wrong intersection life is like holding a pencil, we take it and draw our own conclusion, we could turn the pencil over and erase what we thought was right at the time but, why do that? Some accidents have been known to have made some of the best formulas. So whose to say that you made a wrong turn or jumped on the wrong bus, no one, so who can tell you that your perception is wrong.?
My mother would yell at me when I would put my shoes on the wrong foot, I never understood all the fuss, I was 4 years old, I made the decision, I mean I was the one who had to walk in them. So my sworn oath as a writers to inform, entertain and fly the plane.
If my reader jumps, no matter where or what conclusion they may land on, they are definitely where they are suppose to be, safe and out of harms way, actually we do not take anyone anywhere, they get there on their own. Most writers, like myself are unknown and sadly they probably will remain that way, but regardless, the written word is indestructible, it's as if it's written in stone, a continuous flow, an ongoing conversation, you write therefore you are known by one or more readers. On that note! You know that little fish that you keep throwing back? "POST IT"..."I DARE YOU TO"! It's always the small things that we step on, kick around and pick up and throw. Keep that little fish, don't throw it back because it may wind up being the one that feeds a multitude of starving artist.
Start looking at the little things and how they play a big part in your life.
Taken from, The Book that started the movement. An Urban Story guide to what inspires the poetry in all of us.
I wrote a lot and I also wrote a lot of poetry that I would not have dared shared with a soul. 2007 I discovered The Artist Lounge on,that was the first time I ever posted and shared my poems with others. Thanks to Jill (JellyBean) it was a comfortable place to kick up my heels but, I was still holding back a lot of issues. Then I discovered PV (
I started to post immediately, surprisingly I won the 2013 poetry contest that, I did not know I entered. The truth is I didn't think nothing much of that particular poem, even now I don't know how it won but, it's all love. Now back to that little fish, I had so many of those and I kept throwing them back then something happened and that little something was. The Book that started the movement. An Urban Story guide to what inspires the poetry in all of us. Daring me to post the little fish. I felt that I was meeting WizeDom for the first time and it was there in that meeting, something magical occured...she Evolved into the Poet that she is today.
We all have to be someone to someone else...
Inspiring words taken from, The Book that started the movement. An Urban Story guide to what inspires the poetry in all of us.
Nothing happens until something moves, so get involved, your voice is waiting to be heard.
Fix your rear view, keep both hands on the wheel and, whatever you do, please don't lose your drive.
We do not write to get rich, if that were true, some of us would have taken the million and dropped the pen.
We do not write to be known, that only happens to a few, often it is the cause for writers blues, the only effective cure for that is to, "KEEP WRITING" your destiny awaits you.
I love the word Destiny, because it rhymes with...The Best of me, that's Poetry.
We don't write for ourselves, we write for those who read, those who are fascinated by poetry, those who still love the feel of books the love of our lives are those who read our scribe, religiously. The readers are married to the writers.
What can I say...It's A match made in heaven with smoke rising from hell.
Love, Peace and Positive Energy to all of my readers, fans, haters and those who support the craft. I will never leave you hanging.
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