At Peace

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Who would have thought

That I would fall in love

With someone within twenty weeks

And have a bond like no other.

With a male other than God,

Who yet

Depended on me for all his needs.


He let me know

When he was hungry,

When he was scared,

Or even when

He just wanted some attention

My Son that’s who!


I could feel every little movement

Inside of me.

Except for one,

One that caused him

His life.


We were at a regular

Ultrasound appointment.

When something tragic happened,

We found out

That his unbiblical cord

Was starting to wrap around his throat.


So they immediately

Rushed us for an cesarean

Then I began to stress,

Due to all the false hope

In the air.

My blood pressure

Began to rise

Then slowly slipped

Into a comma.


Where I seen my son

For the very first time,

With his eyes open

And had a soul full of joy

Laying in an Angles arm.

Who looked as my Grandmother

I then knew,

That he had made peace.


Then reality sunk in

 And I got to hold his shell

Cold as a winter’s night.

Looking nothing like the first time

That I laid eyes on him.

He was gone forever gone,

But will never forget.

The day

Coming in as two

And leaving out as one.


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