Memoirs#2 Colorful Nick Names Of The South

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Grew up and lived in Hartford Conn nick names was never a big thing as I remember but when I moved to the south I heard some of the craziest nic names.  Many I do not even know their given name because thats what they go by.  Some are easy to kinda pick out why they have such nick names others not so much, here is a list. Know quite a few dogs a couple of snake a couple of goat then there is cookie man mustang boo cat never seeen a boo cat before but he fit the bill, there isp#### cat purr ana golf ball there is moon there is weenie dog there is pencil Wagon he weighed about 400 lbs when I met him there is 6 oclock then there is bird brain can you imagine being called bird brain all your life you see a bird and can tell bout how big a birds brain is and please tell me what a tater hog is. Colorful nick names of the south

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