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Ezell-Dazh on the philosophy of D-O-H
U: So what is D-0-H?
Z: An acronym for "Dashez-Of-H.e.r". Dash is spelled with a Z cuz’ that's my name. All my family calls me Z, so I just wanted to get my fingerprint in there like that.
U: Give us some insight on what Dashez are...or is.
Z: Yeah the album was originally going to be called 'Dashez', just a title accentuating the personality of my name and the poetry I write. I love to run, on my feet, and on beats. So it was about athleticism. Physical, spiritual, mental, and lyrical fitness. But after meditating on the direction each track was going, the Dashez-Of-H.e.r concept just hit me. So Dashez became, not only the songs, but the soul's rhythm, and the intuitive energy that starts the paint strokes (or dashes). The dashing light beams (or stars) that we all are, which is true in the realm of physics as well as metaphor. Then I noticed the acronym spelled DOH. I was like, Ohh Snap! That's so dope. So...Hip-hop. So I fell in love with that concept and just dashed with it, trusting my intuition. It really helped gather the whole essence of the project, which is realizing the intrinsic abundance we all have within us. It tied everything together. It rhymed better.
U: And Who is H.e.r?
Z: Another acronym for Hearing-Everything-Rhyme. It's a most definite homage to Common's 'I Used To Love H.e.r', one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite Emcees. Also I thought of Cudi's song, ’Make Her Say’, in which I think He, Common and Kanye were rappin’ about who could please Her, who is Hip-hop, the most. I wanted to build with the vibe of that concept. So Hearing.Every.Rhyme became Hearing-Everything-Rhyme. We're not just talking about words rhyming. We're talking about rhythm and intuitive understanding in all aspects of life. Rhythm symptomatic of God, Hip Hop, and Love. Like first, if the supremely intelligent designer, made everything rhyme, then God hears everything rhyme, right? And didn't Hip-Hop change our language? Now we rhyme ideas, the sounds of words, the meanings of words, the whole frequency of language. We rhyme our clothing. We rhyme our body's language. Through tats, our hair, sports, Dance and sensuality. Pretty much everything. We found the rhythm of youth and we livin' it through. That's Hip-hop to me.
U: H.e.r is essentially, the rhythm of God?
Z: Exactly. Or Paint strokes, of an infinite source of love, color, light & dark...Or Music...Hip-hop Music. Knaah Mean? I wanted this album's narrative to be like a peek through the eyes of not only myself, but Hip-Hop itself, and the people of the culture. Then my personal relationship with H.e.r. I think that's why it vibes like a love story...About being reunited with God, Love and Hip-Hop. I mean, isn't that what hip-hop is all about...Love? I want to help bring that back to the forefront of our relationship with Hip-Hop, and with each other. Harmony and U-N-I-T-Y. More of it. Like, I love the competitive spirit of this culture, Daylyt is my favorite. But when I'm seeing, hearing or feeling too much hateful, or uncooperative energies from us, then I start thinking about Willie Lynch. And I'm so resistant to that control system, that this story had to be about love. Are we loving each other the way we should be? Are we chasing Health-Wealth-Light-Love & God? That's what I’m asking. That’s what I'm dashin'.
U: How's this for an acronym? D.O.P.E Dashes Of Pure Enlightenment...or Energy. Lol
Z: That's Dope!, Lol, to say the least. Can I use that for my next album?
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