" today today unhappy day too late or'throws thy friends thy fortune and thy state ." Shakespeare's Richard the second .
Today " Mad Dog(g), Maddus, showed that the Congress makes lofty rules only for the amusement of those out there in Tee Vee land and breaks them whenever convenient .
Having just departed the military , MDG will be able to bypass the seven year waiting as a civilian,and keep his Marine underwear on while wearing a suit as civilian head of the military industrial complex .
The appellation "Mad Dog(g) was allegedly earned while slaughtering people in their own countries . Heroically , of course . But I have my suspicions .
Mad dog and I are both afflicted with the same speech impediment of letting the air out of the sides of our tongue when pronouncing the letter "S . "
Though this sound is an Integral part of oriental languages it plays no role in our meager Christian catalog of 26 letters .
A competent speech therapist cured me at the age of nine . Mad dog had the entire unaudited resources up to and including nuclear weapons of the military industrial complex, yet he still doesn't say it, he sprays it .
So does "Mad Dog(g") come from gleefully slaughtering , or from uncontrollable drooling ?
Soldier one : No wait here .
Soldier two : He'll get pissed!
Soldier one : That's the whole point . Wait till he foams at the mouth then we'll go .
Maddus : Seee-on-ov-ah-biss ! Darzz see-vill-ans leff alive !
Soldier one : We better go Daffy duck wants us to kill more civilians .
And so it became most like it was .