How the Wii can spark the romance in your relationship

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For those of you that have never seen this phenomenon, here is what you need to do. The first step is if you dont have a Wii, you need to get one ASAP. You are almost ready to get started, but you need to make sure you have the right accessories or games for your unit. When buying the right game, you need to skip by all those little adventure games where you have to run around and think about what you are doing. You have to get a game that is a non-thinking exercise.

Here are the 3 types of games you should be looking at.

Dancing, Skiing, or Sports

Women have no resistance to want to play the Wii because it’s fun.

And all you have to do is sit back and watch. You might want to up the game and get her some spandex workout gear just fun so you don’t get her clothes sweaty or whatever excuse you can come up with. Then just sit back and watch the magic.

It is fun to watch every time. Try it.

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