The 2 Things Women Do To Ruin Their Relationships

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Ladies, the cold hard facts are that sophistication has a way about it that can easily be measured. A woman is all about sophistication and class. It helps to balance the rough side of us men. You don't have to worry about us messing things up because eventually we will find a way. And this brings me to my first point.

#1) The "Snoopy" protocol. It is a waste of your time to look through your mans Facebook page or trying to keep track of him every hour of the day. The problem is not that he is out, the problem is that you should be out too doing your own thing. You have better things to do and you are confident in your abilities as a woman that you will be chased and not be the one chasing. I know that the television shows are all about drama and after everything is said and done, how many situations do you know that end up like it does on TV. Ill give you a second to think about it. If you see something on TV that happens in the Midwest in a town you have never heard of and people you don't know. Don't worry about it happening to you. If we want to be with you, we will always come right back. This is when you have the power but that is a topic for another discussion.

#2) Making up scenarios that never really happened. And this is a tough one to place on the ladies because men do and try to contain it as much as possible. Women do and run with it. There is a difference. It takes a strong person to understand that a situation can be explained and here is the interesting part that you have to understand. It can only be explained once. The first time I as the man I can give you my side of the story. The second time ladies, you don't even need a story. Just walk away and we will come back to you. I know its a hard place to be but knowing when to argue is just as important as doing it.

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