Let's Do Our Part in Society

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Let's Do Our Part in Society

We can each do our part in society. Maybe fix a flat tire for a neighbor or offer a cup of cool water to a stranger. Go to the widow & orphans in their affliction. I'm keeping it real people. Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last. Pray with all of your might maybe write a poem so others can read and enjoy. We each have hidden abilities and talents that we need to be putting into use. To the beggar out on the street destitude for no daily bread. To the laborer in the factory we need to be busy about the fathers business. No one knows the hour or even the day of the savior's return. But he asks us to be ready. These are the marching orders out of love within my heart to you. Stop all hate and negativity. Choose to put a big smile on your face instead of a frown. Perhaps go to a soup kitchen to volunteer your time. Believe me in time you will see the benefits & blessings flow as long as you have love in your heart. When it comes to music sing or rap on topics that will benefit the soul. Our mindsets need to be focused on a selfless agenda intead of being so selfish. Yet in the end it's our choice in how we want to proceed out of life. This is from my heart to yours & thoughts by which to ponder.

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