When What You Believe Infiltrates Your Behavior The Process Builds The Foundation !"

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Each of us is certainly responsible for are actions to a holy God.
Although at times we really grieve him he is still there for us.
Waiting for us to grow into the likeness of his dear son.
Still we hide behind a garb of compromise serving instead sin, self & Satan.
If your a believer today in the Lord draw near to him.
Resist the devil and he will from you.
There is no such thing as perfect people let me stress that.
No, no one ever arrives to a level that they should ever think that there better then everyone else.
The Christian life is a growing process everyday where you under go tests from the Lord.
Only Jesus Christ is perfect & he is the author and finisher of are faith.
God’s love for you is the great eternal constant amidst all the inconsistencies of your daily walk with him.
When the 99 sheep were out in the fold God’s heart was with the one that was lost.
Just some thoughts by which to ponder from my heart to yours in these times when we desperately need to hear the truth.

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