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    Money never impressed me ; You see it was the boy with ambition that I can remember that caught my attention ; while the boy with hoes flashing his money never gained my affection ; it was loyalty first money was just a plus but now a days it seems that I'm asking for 2 much ; cuz this generation has did a switch ; now a woman rather have a man with money only ; funny how the morals of a relationship have switch ; funny I grew up loving left eye and Aaliyah ; Both independent yet understand you have to be more then pretty ; what happen to the guy that text me every morning instead of every weekend ; or the guy who surprised me with a playlist of my favorites song on a cd ; those were the times I wish I could rewind cuz nextflix n chill got people not wanting to spend no time with one another ; they bold enough to ask you for sex before you even get to know one another ; money never impressed me because I seen real men provide for  moms and family ; money never impressed me because I have homeboys doing 15 because they needed 15 to help their moms and grandma ; money never impressed me because I have homeboys that risked there life for money ; so it's never about money when you speak to me ; it's about the loyalty that you give to me cuz money had me stress out mentally and a few of my homies dead cuz they loved money more den god spiritually so money never impressed me but maybe another chick ; cuz I'll help you grind before I allow you to feel that money makes you it ; money never impressed me I buss myevery day just to provide for myself and family so my bad If I don't care about that ; I lost it all too many times to believe that money impressed a chick ; money never impressed me and I'm glad it don't because I had enough and lost enough to know that money comes and go 💯👌🏾

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