Keeping it Real A Christian Perspective

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We can all agree to disagree with one another. But I'm pushing for universalism to coexist with each other. My love extends and permeates to cohabitation toward my fellowman. Let me let you understand negativity does nothing to strengthen ones heart. The heart needs to be established by grace. Sin is defined in my view as : Actions in which humans rebel against God. Miss their true purpose for their lives. Surrender instead to the prince of the air more then God. Cause all their deeds were found out to be evil.
One's inner heart can't beat something it will not. See faith isn't intellectualized it just is. When the ninety nine sheep were in the field. God's heart was with the one that was lost. In the book of James 5 vs 16 : Confess your sins to each other pray for each other that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous will be heard. Let us also look to Romans 12 vs 1 and 2 : To offer our bodies a living sacrifice onto God.
Jesus Christ is for everyone regardless of what you have done in life that's why he suffered on the cross so that we can be free from our sins. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Only one life is soon to pass only what's done for love's sake will last. Lastly, the choice is clearly up to the individual at hand remember you can't have your heart beat something it clearly will not. Just some thoughts by which to ponder or perhaps a heavenly call from up a yonder ?

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