Doesn't Some People In The World Make You Think Your Less Then Human ?

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I mean its virtually impossible to live up to their perfect thought process & standard.
They make you feel less then zero so they can appear better then thou.
They can’t help you cause they can’t even help themselves.
Exchanging love for lust they surrender to vice and the many things of the world.
Love takes a back seat, hear I am preaching to the choir but this needs to be voiced.

These are the type of people that have to be right with everything they do.
Some may call it self righteous but it still think they haven’t got a single clue.
Their very good is indeed their own stomach and could care less about other.

Just some thoughts by which to ponder I know it cuts deep but somebody has to break the mends.
You know there’s someone else that puts other people down all the time and constantly accuses us before God & his name is Satan.
The devil only comes to kill, steal & destroy but God has come to give us life and to have it more abundantly.
If I make you uncomfortable then so be it the truth is still the truth & a lie is still a lie. Some words to live by.

right now, chevyvent   

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