Are you a true urban poet?

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Do you meet the qualifications to be a true urban poet? Here are what could be considered the qualities of being a true urban poet and this situations are pulled right from the pages of life.

You are in a room with some friends and they are discussing that you don’t particularly care for. Based on the conversation, it just doesn’t sound right. In fact, you are highly opposed to the idea. In that scenario, do you:

  • Just sit there and don’t say a word. You in turn walk away with resentment. You know very well that the conversation may come up again but no one knows where you really stand on it and you will choose to just ignore it and walk away from the situation again.
  • Or you could try to laugh it off and tell them that you are not going to do it, whatever it is, in a laughing or comical tone and just keep going about your day.
  • Or do you do something that is considered odd, you stand and speak up. Not in the sense that you are just talking but you look intently into the eyes of the person talking and you tell it like it is.

The true urban poet knows that life is about decisions. We make them every single day in our words and actions. We know that telling it like it is may put us at the risk of losing a friend, but it is better for them to know where you stand than to try to be someone you are not. You know that there are things promised to you in this world and that you follow a Divine will to achieve all yours goals.

I know it sounds preachy, but you are a messenger directly connected to whichever God you serve

Ok, how about this one. You arrive at and you have the opportunity to express yourself. Do you look at this as something that you can do later or do you choose to do it now. True urban poets know that the right time to deliver the message is always right now. Our feelings and emotions serve no one if we keep them to ourselves. But there is something that goes along with that. We are always in the process of bettering ourselves. As long as we are doing that, there is no message that we cannot deliver.

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