Girl adaption( dyke black girl)

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  Straighten your hair on Sunday; wrap it up when it’s done so it won’t frizz up and wear a skirt instead of jeans; don’t walk like a dyke; learn how to cook before you’re eight; make sure your tights never rip; when buying heels make sure they’re at least 2 inches, preferably 4: Paint your nails pink and clear; is it true that you rather be a boy than a girl?; always stand up straight in a way that accentuates your waist; on days that you can, wear long sleeves to cover your stretch marks and bruises; don’t tell anyone where those bruises come from; you mustn’t speak to fast girls and slow boys, not even as friends; don’t eat cherry ices—it stains white shirts; but I don’t want to be a boy, I just want to be me; this is how to smile pretty; this is how to curl your dolls hair; this is how to show a little skin, but just enough that doesn’t make you look like a slut; this is how you try not to be like your mother; this is how to be a real woman—far from your mother who was still a child when she became one, because peer pressure’s a ; when you’re washing your face, make sure you use rose water, grandma said it smells nice; this is how to look good for the boys up the block; this is how to look good for your husband; this is how to stop blushing around the girls you like; this is how you start blushing around the boys you despise; this is how you switch your hips; this is how to use lip gloss instead of chapstick; this is how you maintain your shape, and this is how they don’t notice you like Cinderella instead of Prince Charming; be sure to let them know you’re not fully black, your grandmother is Puerto-Rican, don’t let them play with your hair — you are not a toy, you know; don’t play with bees—you might get stung; don’t act like a boy, because you’re too pretty for that; this is how to please your boyfriend; this is how to be his eye candy; this is how to not have a crush on the girl your mom babysits; this is how to not kiss her in secret; this is how to find a man with a job; this is how to support his dreams, and follow yours after you have his kids; this is how to throw hot grits on him if he hits you; this is how to forgive him when you’re done and his burn marks heal, and if this doesn’t work take him to court and get child support, he’ll have enough money to buy you a car; this is how you live your life; this is how you stay beautiful, and if you don’t feel it, find one thing you like about yourself; always moisturize to prevent wrinkles; but what if everything about me isn’t me and I find nothing that satisfies my eyes?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who doesn’t love herself?


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