What happened to the great black love poems?
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The thing I have to do is speak up for the great Poetry Vibers out there that have posted some of the most prolific black love poetry on the site. Poetry Vibe I can give you excellent examples of some of the greatest and most touching love poems I have read on the site. Here is one of my favorites.
Mask - by TinyThis love poem will definitely move you but let me continue my rant.
The kind of black love poems that I am talking about are the ones that truely made you feel like you were there and you understood all the players involved. You know what the pain and the joy was because you connected directly to the poet. In essence, they brought you into their way of thinking and made you see the love that they had for what it was. There was no confusing in what they were expressing but you know that they were confused on they were trying to find a way to reach their destination. No one understands them as they understand themselves but in that moment of reading that poem, you knew exactly where they were coming from. You connected with them and in a way, they connected with you. Based on the words, you understood the scenario and the picture formed itself around something that could only be called "blackness." It was a irresistible pull to understand that things are hard and love should make them easy. But in many cases, it doesn't and we are left wandering what is next and how do we go on
We are broken by it. By the understanding that there is love out there and we are trying to connect to it. Sometimes the only way we can do it is through other people and the expression of their words. Its as if we are reading wisdom of the heart and we are deeply connected to it. We understand and we praise it because we understand that deeply it is a part of us. Or maybe sometimes it feels like we are looking through a dark fog and the poem suddenly bring clarity to our thoughts. We take those parts of love that we are longing for. We discard the ones that we dont want. We are made whole in understanding that someone understands our joy and pain. That someone is truely connected to us.
But there are too many silenced voices. Too many that have absorbed the feeling, have become lost in it and cant explain it and have not even bothered to try. And theis is what has happened to the great black poems. They are inside all of us and we have them trapped in a sea of being mentally lost and waiting to be saved if only we would express the words.
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