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    ** {A Person will Never learn a Lesson if they are Never Corrected. To many times Real Folks over look Shady , which just Allows Shady Folks to Be Comfortable doing Shady . NO!. If We want to get Better as a People, then it is Our Job to Teach and Correct Each Other. A Snake has No Limits and Will Try to get over...Anytime and Everytime. If you Let them. DON'T! Stand Up and Speak. Call that Out. Right Then. Boldly. Let then Know that you See It. It's such a Disservice to Your Self and the World when you Let a Shady Mother***er Slide. They Will just Continue to Hurt Others with their Bull Ways. Someone has to Guard and Uplift the Standards of Living Right. Don't Miss Your Real Calling of being a 'LineChecker'. Speak Your Truth and if Folks don't like it. *** It! So What! Your Conscience is Clear and You Set a Shady Crumbing Mother***er Straight. GOOD JOB! Maybe Theywill Listen and Learn a damn Lesson. Or Atleast they going to know Who to try that Bull with.} (Cause I'm Not The One.) #MissMeWithThatBS. #MentalSavage #💛OfALineChecker #SorryNotSorry #SavingsLives #All2018 #ShowMercy,NotSympathy. #KeepItReal.

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