Just Being Real

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Trucking is pretty cool. I get to take note of all the downtrodden areas with potential real property ownership. Semis are like any vehicle as they breakdown and some go for a steal with cash. Texas and Oklahoma be on my mind hard as each time i pass through im like they go with the tankers! Hell yeah. Solitude is real and i have not felt like this since i was in southern Cali just chilling...surfing to playing pickup b-ball to running trails and even just reading all i can to work to school and that dang spot which sits on top of an apartment complex around that college overlooking the whole San Diego area more near Chula Vista and Rancho Csomething. Learning cultures is cool for me and my journey cause those cultures apply to me. Arizona to New Mexico is as real as it gets with the tribes down there. Sometimes i be like what would it feel like to live in Mexico and expand out business there too? And as the world revolve to evolve so does the indigenous women across this planet of existence. I tell ya...there is a difference between loneliness and evolution with solitude or solitary evolution. I get to go back into my mine and cut my ownself per facet in private. And for me too only due to perfectioning cause i never did me like that before and its tough plus ever challenge commands respect to myself. Its like my own Rites of Passage i never been on and got the chance to participate from the Roots of Cherokee Akan and Ewe. And it feels good to finally disappear and be just like any who never disconnected from their true heritage and self walking as is and beautified to be. I could care less about belonging...i just wanna be me plus some. I enjoy the women just as who they are and encourage them all to strive for perfection with or without a man. I overstood my selfishness dealing with not having kids and a wife. Everybody has their version of a couple and a woman and a man and who they should do this and that but im like eh...eh! I got my own dreams to conquer which plays part of the overall picture. Its tiny. Very very tiny yet im cool wid it all.

My main thing is to get prepared for my flight lessons and owning my own jet and helicopter.  This connects to me having my hazmat endorsement to the twic card in all. These oilfields are banging and i gotta get some of this change and maximize profit ROI style. Got enough indigenous women around me to help take care of everything i need. Its called networking and being real with your peoples and i stay down for mine from the Tree to the Roots. I feel like a Chief or something ahead of my time. Geah. Geah this Vodun thang is on a whole other level beaming on hard but immah stay incognito in everything i do like the wind while calling my shots accurately and timely. I just got love for myself that i can't let go and on the real i just can't be faded. Thats all i know and thats all i be feeling and so as long as i stay in the minds of my Tree for my Ancestors from the past to future forever then i soldiered correctly and proficiently with loving tactic. I do for my Ancestors...the ones before and the future generation who will be. Yeah it will be cool and live to be heard as "it was one family member who never gave up and devouted himself to the Tree and he put in work to the fullest cause he was a soldier--a straight soldier. Yall children gather around and let me tell you about him and his name was...." yeah...thats what im in fo'. Straight up and its going tah get more intense with each step too but i aint giving a beep. Straight Soldier. 

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