May Be Next Time...
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Gun drawn, in all black with a steady hand. So many, too many. Her mind screamed...
Her expression like her mind, fixed.. Only beads of sweat and the dance her eyes made.. Showed her defiant desperation. As she asses her position. Death. Death, is all that can save her.. Release from her captures. From their judgement and most of all. From their satisfaction of punishment. As she tighten her grip on her revolver. Her mind screams. ***'em All!
Her intuition alarmed her to what her peripheral had missed. Quickly turning to meet the approaching shadow. She fell on pause. As the sound of a glock stole her next move.
"Put it down! Now!"
Her ears heard the words. But, insolents played with her fragile rational. Detective Rush prayed no sudden moves would force his ready, tigger- finger. Her cheeky eyes wide and her small mouth tight. Detective Rush had been chasing her too long, not to had noticed. Her boundless, hardheaded-ness. The glock dangle from one finger as he show her his palms. Detective Rush mind screamed at him.. Man, are you MAD! His gut reasoned. She needed to be heard or at best.. Believe that she "Is!”
She quickly took stock of this ill-timed standoff. Her exit compromised. She met his gaze with an Itchy agitation and a steady revolver..
“I’ve shown you mine.. Now, show me yours..”
Warm fat tears washed over her face as she chocked back the hammer..
“What the hell, if I was trying to apprehend you.. I would had taken the shot, you know it!”
Being sure not to make any sudden moves he continues..
“Yeah.. I know you know it or you would have taken yours by now..”
Her cagey disposition made her unreadable. Her hesitation to take his life. Relieved him..
Heavy foot steps echoed around them indication of her pending imprisonment.
She was running out of time..
“Lay your gun on the ground, kick it towards me.”
The detective did as he was told.
“Your back to me and on your knees..”
“Once you cross this line there is no coming back..”
“Have anyone ever told you? You talk too much. Now, turn around and get on your Damn knees. Now!”
Once on his knees with his back to her. She kneeled down snatched up the weapon.
His mind bounced from one thought to another. After a decade as an officer. Detective Rush had promised his wife that at 45. He would retire from the force. His 45th birthday was three months ago. Now on his knees. In a filthy half lit stair case, with a gun to the head. It did something to him to know. He would have to break again, another promise.
She was right, his wife was always right. He felt sorry for the person that will deliver the news of his death. She’s going to be pissed that I’m dead..The Detective reflected.
His mind turned as he filled with pride. Yeah, I’ll be gone but my girls are good.
“I made sure of it.”
He whispered aloud. It dawned on him he should have been kissing the ground and bleeding out. Instead he was on his knees lost in thought. The sound of the fire alarm startled the detective. Impulsively he swirls around to find him self, alone on a dirty ground.
By the time Detective Rush reaches the main lobby and make his way through the flow of people. Waiting for the “ok” to go back into the building. She was in the wind.. Gone!
He knew he wouldn’t get another chance like today..
Pulling that fire alarm gave her the distraction she wanted. The cover that she needed, to slip away. Now, she sat low in a cab heaving and puffing. As the cab rides by the building with people still spilling onto the street. She spots Detective Rush among the crowd. Frantically looking for what he won’t find. Feeling more composed with some distance between her and the office building. Slow relief filled her. She mumbled under her breath as the town car merged into traffic..
“Not today old man..”
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