One Of The Great Poetry Websites

views: 1896

That is right. We will claim that we are one of the greatest poetry websites on the Internet. We dont say it because it is true, we say it because we have some of the greatest urban poets to post online. Plus we have some pretty awesome poetry contests from time to time that really brings out their creativity. But what I would like to do is get straight to the point and give you some examples of great urban poetry.

We thought this poem was particularly thought-evoking. It went in so many directions but remained clear throughout on the intentions of the poet.

Resentment - by Jan3

This poem talked about missing someone. The words were spoken so eloquently that I had to share this one.

Gone But Not Forgotten - by MzSoPriceless

And this one is such a mind-bender that I keep reposting it

Mask - by Tiny

As always, we want to thank all of the great urban poet writers out there for making Poetry Vibe what it is today. A great place to share urban poetry. We love you all!

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