while at ma home base:

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here in my dragon less dungeon -

vudu master cannot give chase

while myopic eyes of mwm

blankly stare intently into cyberspace

folk kiss my sing song snap chat ting

mine eyes fixated b4 ur image seconds erase

with an exclamation of eureka a ha -

u look familiar at least yar face

ah...with such amazing grace

n begin to wonder...

mebbe we both lived during the same time

centuries ago, eh in regal splendor with satin n lace

perhaps in adjoining caves some place

or even even further somewhere in time -

possibly the Flintstone days,

who with missus dash off

in divergent separate one direction

hunkered down starting line of tha human race!?

this yo dull ling josh hing glute max a mess anus

tooting ring ding oof a max i mus drake

haint named bruce

boot ah do like the taste of cous cous

what the deuce

as i goose

step wit a screw r 2 loose

whereby bull winkle the moose

n natasha the squirrel

plus otter creatures tink i lack mental juice

i.e. ja dat - right duh gray matter

of dis knit wit, the "infamous" they noose

sum hmm iz amiss from dis indigent guy

still lugged in a papoose

cob bulled with whirled wide web

peppered with rotten green tomatoes -

prompting n immediate VAMOOSE

& find my rye ming ting ab

solute zero in chime with zee cuckoo

ready 2 call up doktor demento ore zeus.

thus, friendship introduction

will mutual ideally nada blow

based on ma unseen essence of body, mind

& soul more so than dough

i.e. money, which tends

2 be a superficial criteria

viz assess worthiness to flow

toward greater comprehension

akin 2 a garden

requiring one tweed din hoe

this common non sloppy joe

maw awe less keeps 2 himself i.e.

a contemplative sort & writes ha low

2 you crossing fingers

no immediate aversion arises,

yet an emphatic "no"

toward me would be taken

in stride per this poe

it, whose ability finds comfort

within the simple pleasures

of life while invisible 1 that doth row

this creaky human vessel,

yes on occasion calls out 4 a big tow.

mine present life still affect by many a yesterday

skeleton in the closet follow me every which way

aye vay


sometimes go frolicking,

but..eventually return 2 stay

these ghosts n hob goblins shout

(albeit silently) hoo ray

remain at figurative dock side

inducing me ta moan n quay

ka - when breathe thing easy -

mental daemons play

n mouth whatsapp pin ing matthew scott -

u haint okay

not if we (the imps "talking")

on a mission - to nay

ver let chew frog get yar tadpole

n pollywog stage n may

even opt to plant the flag

of greater mental illness to lay

claim to that coveted gray matter -

without your o kay

ideally infiltrating complete sabotage

that tract tore doth inlay

after completely reconnoitering

those fifty nine shads of gray

ah...such prime cerebral real estate during day,

i keep busy with meditation

& exercise 2 keep pessimism at bay

whole heartedly searching

4 friendship near or far away

mebbe as a d liver e purse son

2 supplement social security income

(this disability 4 generalized anxiety)

within me gray matter doth lay.