Am I Leaving A Legacy ?

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trials will come then will pass but at a first glance we can choose to breath
Each of us has been given talent from above just have to put it to work that's all
We can soar as the eagle to beckoning heights or slum to the lowest points of existance
Try to clear your thoughts and mind from any barriers or confusion dig deeper then before
There are people reaching heights unknown soaring into twilight each & every day
Gives one a humble cause to pray for one another along life's path we shall take;
The real question is, " Am I leaving behind a legacy?"...Each task that I take make no mistake,
I'm not a fly on the wall nor am I a know it all I must remain strong to the end with friend
As a poet I can try to reclaim my cause of humanitarian but many times I fall short
Am I missing the mark today I know good poetry takes time to compare to the likes of Poe, Ashberry & Jackson..
With your help I believe I'm making a healthy impact on society I can tell the difference.

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