Trying something different as a poet

views: 584

Trying something different as a poet learning to use my senses in light of all that Iv'e written in the past. My poems extend precious jewels that take hold of me. Wanting to share with others who have an attentive ear. Trying to stay humble in the art of creative writing as I function day by day. Thank you for the unique opportunity in reading my works I love you all. From my heart to yours.

Each day you learn something new in writing but what I do differently then most poets is I always give positive feedback. Even if you rat tail suck in writing i believe never to give negative feedback. What you put out their will certainly come back to you.
Make no mistake I'm a work in progress, but I will never relent to stand ever more determined in putting my best foot forward. Stay with me now, but I believe the positive feedback is golden in achieving your goals. You don't learn if your always being slapped over the head by how many grammatical errors you are putting forth. When writing just be yourself and if somebody doesn't approve of your work then shame on them.

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