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What used to be the bedrock and firmament of life on Earth no longer exists. The following summary narrative attempts to relate what must rank as an extreme sham and tabloid mockery, sham and travesty in the mind of any vestige of humanity. The irony here being that no doubting Thomas or journalist from any beastly publication in a position to contradict such treatise. Believe me, the general series of events, finds me precariously perched atop a chunk of antediluvian matter not the hallucinations of a ranting and raving madman. Contrary to susceptibility to conclude any unfounded mental deficiency, the defendant here can substantiate with heaps of unbiased testimony to the exactitude, logic, precision, and rational thinking constitute the dogmatic linchpins of my

mathematical and scientific mind. No doubt, I would be deemed highly affected by illicit narcotics. A stroke of fortune and pluck saved me from nearly total extinction of entire animal and plant kingdom. This fateful planetary imbroglio now finds me to be the sole or prayerfully in company with least one of a mere fractal of bipedal hominids extant upon this cosmic debris and detritus once recognized as a habitable terra firma.

Many years of rigorous physical training as an astronaut availed accessible trappings at my immediate disposal, the saving grace to allow and enable me function in zero gravity keep me stayin alive. The keen intuition, premonition and a doctorate as a geophysicist set loose a private prediction that an awful catastrophe could wreak complete and utter annihilation to this oblate spheroid found me gripping spacesuit tight prior to sleep that fateful night.

An unusual surge in seismic activity across a large swath of the globe hinted at some dire threat. Earthquakes and volcanoes occurred with more frequency and greater intensity. Nonetheless, I followed the nightly ritual of brushing teeth, washing face and reading the latest issue of a favorite periodical before closing these tired eyes. Once surrendering fatigued body, mind and spirit triage to relax, an instantaneous and simultaneous visualization became manifest as palpable dreams. Exhaustion from overwork, the immediate determinant suspected in such colorful and vivid closed eye visualizations, which surreal experiences compromised necessary bodily rest and resuscitation. As a solution to resolve this utter fatigue, a late night meditation undertaken to help create a sense of calmness, peacefulness and tranquility. In a matter of minutes, the longed for drowsiness coaxed along with a mild sedative arrived to usher in what hopefully promised to deliver deep and profound restorative rem cycles. When I woke up I heard something that sounded like cracking ice. This cacophony akin to an explosion of shattering glass, which blast rudely awoke me from a hypnotic dream. Matter of fact, the state of sleep indistinguishable and nearly identical to a wakeful state of existence. One could not differentiate the former from the latter. Thru some inexplicable phenomena, a skein of surreal mystery conjoined both counterparts of corporeal constitution into a horrific and hellacious event. In both conscious and unconscious facets respectively, an accompanying maelstrom of baseball size hail and furious wind rent the sky asunder and tore the entire edifice housing my family. Ferocious whipsaw motions yanked the once freed dwelling in gyroscopic fruit loops. As if tethered to an invisible chain, our cherished home got swung round in a huge, pendulum arc motions in what seemed like an eternity. Harsh disbelief once jarred loose from far fetched imaginative realm of make believe, I slowly, meekly yet hesitantly retracted the pronouncement that destiny wrought a cruel joke upon Earth.

Feel free to hector, lambaste and pillory me any litany of names, the lamest comprising teller of whopping tale. Without a shadow of a doubt, these eyes witnessed the sight of this sixth planet partially submerged in the sea exposing the magnificent and scintillating rings. Breathtaking beauty paradoxically linked with demonic destruction.

That aforementioned deafening roar amassed from countless sources. Immense plumes of various and sundry sized debris catapulted high up into the atmosphere and jettisoned back with Tsunami like impact. Now jagged, misshapen and towering blocks cascaded in wave upon wave of crashing crescendos teasing the last remaining shred of human rhyme, reason and rationality from Homo Sapiens. No mortal being capable to fathom this cosmic Armageddon.

Difficult to accept and comprehend all those cumulative millennium of scientific scrutiny and subsequent laws of Physics irrevocably and suddenly annihilated. No amount of self-denial could decry the clear and utter truth. Impossible to predict the notion known as future, a construct uprooted as a result of such horrendous, nightmarish and ugly scenario eclipsing, robbing and traversing the full gamut mankind erected in the blink of an eye. This SOS quickly scribbled across the rubble strewn atmospheric landscape feels detached from the billions of fellow kith and kin. Helplessness washes the last remaining pleas for salvation. Message in a bottle hurled fervently awaiting a Harris tweed Scottish made welcome mat of relief from condemnation to an eternal wretched punishment. PLEASE HELP ME!



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