Normality â„¢

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What is normal? Ah, that ever so difficult to answer question! Yes, the ethos of society communicates (thru various media) the gamut of tolerance. Nonetheless, a vague boundary circumscribes the parameters. Though this alert, civil, genteel individual pays obeisance (grudgingly) to the coda of this society, he does attest to follow the beat of his drummer ever since being a wee little sprout.

Herewith follows an additional introduction (albeit in poetic format) to one Homo sapiens amidst the children, men and women within the human sea.

The Joy of Bing Skits zoid ™

When just a whippersnapper of a little boy

Me late mum and octogenarian pop agreed

For doctor removal of my adenoid

Less to prevent their only son from being coy

Than fear of said male heir to the Harris throne

Becoming an android

A less than agreeable likelihood, especially

In tandem with predilection of goy

This fateful outcome unfazed this now green giant,

Not the least bit annoyed

As captain crunch (before childhood end)

Beckoned yours truly with “A HOY”

Horrified that my parents would be so blithe

To steer their son clear to avoid

Psychotic outcome to deliver obliviousness

And thus bring inner joy

So, they sent their peculiar male progeny

Believing he to be Pink Floyd

Who found himself evicted desperately

And in sore need of gainful m ploy

So he began his therapy

In the orifice er office of Sigmund Freud

Who bore a striking resemblance

To a wooden pecked prickly shaped toy

This mental analysis delved into past – outcome

I felt less than overjoyed

Despite boss be addressed

As Oedipus wrecks and pay verbal homage that did cloy

Dredging layered past devoid

Of love, yet

Flush with fallacious prevaricated abuse

From mister Lloyd Lavinsky,

A male lore demon of a grade school bully

Forsooth sanity he destroyed!

Neither unusually severe actual event nor series of unfortunate circumstances punctuated my birth, yet emotional travails seemed to beset this ordinary mortal male. He came into this world the usual ordinary way, and can attest a mostly womb door full early childhood. The forces at large that seemed to conspire against healthy emotional, physical and spiritual maturation arose from an inherent virulent strain of panic and anxiety. Only until the recent past did a dawning realization occur (most likely during dusk) that congenital neurological weaknesses played a major role in the majority of these fifty plus years of longevity!

Bullied by Lloyd Levinsky circa mid-1960’s ™

Among the countless thugs that teased
and taunted myself as a boy

Who exhibited blatant characteristics
of being painfully shy and coy

Regularly beckoned like some tasty morsel
chronic unpleasant bait

To be pitted with words an always feeling
like an outcast without a date

Populating school day memories of loathsomeness and hate.


Serving as the token punching bag
nearly the duration every year

Of public school, which vicious name calling
assaults upon me psyche did wear

away and negligible self confidence
or internal rage that found instinct to veer

Away from approaching fist, which knuckle sandwich from tier

Of hooligans gave no surcease

To knock this introvert on his head or scrawny rear

A lonely lad bereft of buddy to stand close
as any bona a fide genuine peer

Nothing but dark shadow casting silhouette
per edge of night always near

One brazen dude named Lloyd Levinsky hovered ever near

Especially during recess at Aububon Elementary School

He did chase and lear

Encouraging mob fiends to join in an additionally mock and jeer

Which unprintable epithets, I can still faintly hear

As the thuggish, nasty, brutish enemy sited me
in his/her crosshair

In tandem with that native animal fear

That found this then socially withdrawn second grader

Like a targeted deer

Caught in cross hairs of boys who seemed

Like giants and fierce some as a bear.


Cruel barbs hurled lent convenience to me

Who stood stock still or crouched down

On ground intimating passivity and inferiority

That brought grimace and frown

To those who mimicked flaws,

Which aside from being shriveled flower on lawn

Included nasal twang from submucous cleft palate

Congenital defect that did spawn


Speech impediment caused strong nasality when talking

(Diagnosed as a sub-mucous cleft palate
i.e. a split uvula) and obvious magnet for brutal beast

To relish, savor and feast

Hoping to bring me to tears at the least


Knowing this human docile scared dog would not fight back

Fearing he might get beat to a bloody pulp for justifiably flack

Even my late mother also told me

To give brats a “what for” with two-fisted pack

So as to stun that nasty gang who to this
very day I bristle to smack

With an ole mighty whack

As if strength within transferred
from a mastodon or wooly mammoth yak.















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