Reaching a goal in life brings about a momentary sense of satisfaction.

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Reaching a goal in life brings about a momentary sense of satisfaction. But mostly it just forces me into a deeper state of humility and contemplation. Because I realize how much larger the ultimate objectives truly are, and how far I remain from achieving them. Beyond this realm of trinkets, jewels, glad hands, and shiny objects.

The accomplishments of this world do bring temporary happiness, but they are fleeting and so do not fulfill or sustain me for long. The ego smiles and then craves more. It is an impossible victory to claim. No gold medal is enough. No cracker jack prize will raise the spirit’s flag. I continue to learn new aspects of this lesson as the years pass by. They are harsh, yet necessary. Karma is never mistaken.

When someone wrongs me, I do not seek revenge or wish any ill will upon them. In fact, the opposite. I hope they eventually find peace. After all, that’s what each of us is seeking in turn. Some with clearer vision than others. So be it. We all walk in darkness when shadows call. It is those that have fallen the furthest into the abyss that oftentimes find the strength to eventually soar and shine light in the end. They are my brightest teachers.

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