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Could you really bare to see the love of your life truly naked ? 

Could you take the vivid images of the scars they taken upon their soul?

Or the thoughts that unrivaled in their minds they hide behind the liquor bottles of depression they hide away?

Could you truly see yourself becoming naked with them to show your scars and darkest secrets?

Or would clothes them up because your eyes can only picture them the way you want to see them?

Could you bare that nakedness for nakedness, the feeling of  vulnerability while being vulnerable? 

To understand their presence you have to dig into their tears of a past in order to build a little sun in their future 

But than again what about your peace of mind, what about the past you hide to adapt to presence you can’t not understand for a future you cry for ?

What about the thoughts you tuck away so your dreams can remain pleasant from nightmares?

Those self harmed scars on your soul, your eyes faded out when looking in the mirror?

Could you be your own hero before you could become theirs ?

Could you see yourself fully naked in front of the love of your life ?

Define your nakedness

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