Things Happen....

views: 793

Things happen, they happen all the time!

The things that happen in life do so for better or for worse. And they happen to all of us!! So what is it that we do when these things happen to us?  What do YOU do?

For me personally, I've reacted in many ways... I've had tantrums, cried myself silly, made myself sick from worry, and of course let’s not forget the creative way I have seen the future in my head, complete with the devastating ending of living the rest of my life without someone I truly love and care about. OVER A SIMPLE MISUNDERSTANDING!!

Do you get my drift?

Whether it's called over-reacting, over-imagining, over-dramatization or anything labeled with "over" in front of it, the main theme here is that it's over the top!!! This is what I have learned and the way I maneuver my way through the course of "things happen. Yes, sometimes I may, without planning to, put a creative flare to my reaction (such as a tantrum), or expressing a mournful “good-bye” to someone in a very drama-filled manner.

The point of it is this…

I have my little fit. Whatever that "fit" may be. I dedicate a smidgen of time for it. Then I stop. And I move on. The fact is, I don't wait for the storm to pass... I simply become the storm... And then I dance in the rain!!!

Yes folks, things happen. Things will continue to happen. My point is, what will you derive from the experience, what will you do with it? This brings me to a favorite quote, a made up one at that.... "Things happen; It's what you do with it!!! (me)

What will YOU do the next time “things” happen?

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