Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

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Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

  By Sam Byrd

Diabetes, a disease that makes AIDS seem like the chicken pox. How would I know? I'm one of the more than 28 million Americans living with type-1 of this chronic illness that does not discriminate. Diabetes is when your pancreas treats your body like a Trump Whitehouse staff member and quit working for it. When this happens, other staff members begin to leave as well. Members of your optical, digestive, cardio and libido systems turn in their resignations.

The pancreas, is a gland which secretes insulin that helps the body turn the food we eat into energy. However, when the carbs, that become glucose or sugar, is not absorbed into the cells properly it will begin to build up in the arteries. This slows down blood flow, thereby hindering the red and white blood cells from performing their job which is primarily communication and damage control. The result, slower reaction and repair time. 

Diabetes is the most erosive condition to have. This is due to the raging effects that it has not just on the body but the mind as well. This disease, which cannot be spread by air or sex, can be passed down through your bloodline. Currently there is no cure and treatment consist of more than simply popping a few pills. Of the top 10 causes of death here in the US, diabetes which has firmly staked its place; strokes, heart, liver and kidney disease and even suicides can be contributed to diabetic complications.

In the diabetic world there are three categories of people. Those who have it and don't know it. Those who have it and figure, "Hell, why not die while enjoying a Big-Mac and some baby-back ribs, we all gotta go one day". Then there is the third category that I belong to, The Fighters. Ones who are not afraid to go blow for blow, round for round with diabetes.

We fight, not only to survive but to inform others of this world-wide disease that affects millions yet is overlooked until body parts go missing. We fight to show others that you can have this disease and still live a fulfilling life. A life without living in fear or shame while eating only whole grain rice cakes and drinking vitamin water. 

To conquer this soul stealing culprit, you must first make peace with the fact that diabetes is a part of you now and always will be. Second, seek medical attention speaking with a doctor about what medications work best for your body. Next, you must commit and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. So, put down the honey-bun and       go walk a few laps. Finally, ask your Higher Power to grant you the courage to fight and the conviction to teach others how not to become a victim.

Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

  By Sam Byrd

Diabetes, a disease that makes AIDS seem like the chicken pox. How would I know? I'm one of the more than 28 million Americans living with type-1 of this chronic illness that does not discriminate. Diabetes is when your pancreas treats your body like a Trump Whitehouse staff member and quit working for it. When this happens, other staff members begin to leave as well. Members of your optical, digestive, cardio and libido systems turn in their resignations.

The pancreas, is a gland which secretes insulin that helps the body turn the food we eat into energy. However, when the carbs, that become glucose or sugar, is not absorbed into the cells properly it will begin to build up in the arteries. This slows down blood flow, thereby hindering the red and white blood cells from performing their job which is primarily communication and damage control. The result, slower reaction and repair time. 

Diabetes is the most erosive condition to have. This is due to the raging effects that it has not just on the body but the mind as well. This disease, which cannot be spread by air or sex, can be passed down through your bloodline. Currently there is no cure and treatment consist of more than simply popping a few pills. Of the top 10 causes of death here in the US, diabetes which has firmly staked its place; strokes, heart, liver and kidney disease and even suicides can be contributed to diabetic complications.

In the diabetic world there are three categories of people. Those who have it and don't know it. Those who have it and figure, "Hell, why not die while enjoying a Big-Mac and some baby-back ribs, we all gotta go one day". Then there is the third category that I belong to, The Fighters. Ones who are not afraid to go blow for blow, round for round with diabetes.

We fight, not only to survive but to inform others of this world-wide disease that affects millions yet is overlooked until body parts go missing. We fight to show others that you can have this disease and still live a fulfilling life. A life without living in fear or shame while eating only whole grain rice cakes and drinking vitamin water. 

To conquer this soul stealing culprit, you must first make peace with the fact that diabetes is a part of you now and always will be. Second, seek medical attention speaking with a doctor about what medications work best for your body. Next, you must commit and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. So, put down the honey-bun and       go walk a few laps. Finally, ask your Higher Power to grant you the courage to fight and the conviction to teach others how not to become a victim.Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

  By Sam Byrd

Diabetes, a disease that makes AIDS seem like the chicken pox. How would I know? I'm one of the more than 28 million Americans living with type-1 of this chronic illness that does not discriminate. Diabetes is when your pancreas treats your body like a Trump Whitehouse staff member and quit working for it. When this happens, other staff members begin to leave as well. Members of your optical, digestive, cardio and libido systems turn in their resignations.

The pancreas, is a gland which secretes insulin that helps the body turn the food we eat into energy. However, when the carbs, that become glucose or sugar, is not absorbed into the cells properly it will begin to build up in the arteries. This slows down blood flow, thereby hindering the red and white blood cells from performing their job which is primarily communication and damage control. The result, slower reaction and repair time. 

Diabetes is the most erosive condition to have. This is due to the raging effects that it has not just on the body but the mind as well. This disease, which cannot be spread by air or sex, can be passed down through your bloodline. Currently there is no cure and treatment consist of more than simply popping a few pills. Of the top 10 causes of death here in the US, diabetes which has firmly staked its place; strokes, heart, liver and kidney disease and even suicides can be contributed to diabetic complications.

In the diabetic world there are three categories of people. Those who have it and don't know it. Those who have it and figure, "Hell, why not die while enjoying a Big-Mac and some baby-back ribs, we all gotta go one day". Then there is the third category that I belong to, The Fighters. Ones who are not afraid to go blow for blow, round for round with diabetes.

We fight, not only to survive but to inform others of this world-wide disease that affects millions yet is overlooked until body parts go missing. We fight to show others that you can have this disease and still live a fulfilling life. A life without living in fear or shame while eating only whole grain rice cakes and drinking vitamin water. 

To conquer this soul stealing culprit, you must first make peace with the fact that diabetes is a part of you now and always will be. Second, seek medical attention speaking with a doctor about what medications work best for your body. Next, you must commit and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. So, put down the honey-bun and       go walk a few laps. Finally, ask your Higher Power to grant you the courage to fight and the conviction to teach others how not to become a victim.Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

  By Sam Byrd

Diabetes, a disease that makes AIDS seem like the chicken pox. How would I know? I'm one of the more than 28 million Americans living with type-1 of this chronic illness that does not discriminate. Diabetes is when your pancreas treats your body like a Trump Whitehouse staff member and quit working for it. When this happens, other staff members begin to leave as well. Members of your optical, digestive, cardio and libido systems turn in their resignations.

The pancreas, is a gland which secretes insulin that helps the body turn the food we eat into energy. However, when the carbs, that become glucose or sugar, is not absorbed into the cells properly it will begin to build up in the arteries. This slows down blood flow, thereby hindering the red and white blood cells from performing their job which is primarily communication and damage control. The result, slower reaction and repair time. 

Diabetes is the most erosive condition to have. This is due to the raging effects that it has not just on the body but the mind as well. This disease, which cannot be spread by air or sex, can be passed down through your bloodline. Currently there is no cure and treatment consist of more than simply popping a few pills. Of the top 10 causes of death here in the US, diabetes which has firmly staked its place; strokes, heart, liver and kidney disease and even suicides can be contributed to diabetic complications.

In the diabetic world there are three categories of people. Those who have it and don't know it. Those who have it and figure, "Hell, why not die while enjoying a Big-Mac and some baby-back ribs, we all gotta go one day". Then there is the third category that I belong to, The Fighters. Ones who are not afraid to go blow for blow, round for round with diabetes.

We fight, not only to survive but to inform others of this world-wide disease that affects millions yet is overlooked until body parts go missing. We fight to show others that you can have this disease and still live a fulfilling life. A life without living in fear or shame while eating only whole grain rice cakes and drinking vitamin water. 

To conquer this soul stealing culprit, you must first make peace with the fact that diabetes is a part of you now and always will be. Second, seek medical attention speaking with a doctor about what medications work best for your body. Next, you must commit and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. So, put down the honey-bun and       go walk a few laps. Finally, ask your Higher Power to grant you the courage to fight and the conviction to teach others how not to become a victim.

Diabetes; Slow, Silent, Deadly

  By Sam Byrd

Diabetes, a disease that makes AIDS seem like the chicken pox. How would I know? I'm one of the more than 28 million Americans living with type-1 of this chronic illness that does not discriminate. Diabetes is when your pancreas treats your body like a Trump Whitehouse staff member and quit working for it. When this happens, other staff members begin to leave as well. Members of your optical, digestive, cardio and libido systems turn in their resignations.

The pancreas, is a gland which secretes insulin that helps the body turn the food we eat into energy. However, when the carbs, that become glucose or sugar, is not absorbed into the cells properly it will begin to build up in the arteries. This slows down blood flow, thereby hindering the red and white blood cells from performing their job which is primarily communication and damage control. The result, slower reaction and repair time. 

Diabetes is the most erosive condition to have. This is due to the raging effects that it has not just on the body but the mind as well. This disease, which cannot be spread by air or sex, can be passed down through your bloodline. Currently there is no cure and treatment consist of more than simply popping a few pills. Of the top 10 causes of death here in the US, diabetes which has firmly staked its place; strokes, heart, liver and kidney disease and even suicides can be contributed to diabetic complications.

In the diabetic world there are three categories of people. Those who have it and don't know it. Those who have it and figure, "Hell, why not die while enjoying a Big-Mac and some baby-back ribs, we all gotta go one day". Then there is the third category that I belong to, The Fighters. Ones who are not afraid to go blow for blow, round for round with diabetes.

We fight, not only to survive but to inform others of this world-wide disease that affects millions yet is overlooked until body parts go missing. We fight to show others that you can have this disease and still live a fulfilling life. A life without living in fear or shame while eating only whole grain rice cakes and drinking vitamin water. 

To conquer this soul stealing culprit, you must first make peace with the fact that diabetes is a part of you now and always will be. Second, seek medical attention speaking with a doctor about what medications work best for your body. Next, you must commit and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. So, put down the honey-bun and       go walk a few laps. Finally, ask your Higher Power to grant you the courage to fight and the conviction to teach others how not to become a victim.

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