Empowering woman

views: 877

I honestly don't know where to start , so I chose this platform. I trust that someone will understand my point. Woman go through enough changes without the world's cruel impressions upon us. As if what we do isn't enough!! Ladies today, is yours...if you want it OBTAIN IT!! The last thing you can do is assume it will be handed to you, on a silver tray. I understand what it is to dream, desire and wish. But I promise you this much if you going into any goal you set for yourself without armor you will fail and back to the drawing board, right back to ground zero. Hey it's okay to make a mistake, and even fail some times it's the "what's next" is what counts most. Dust off them slacks, brush off that dress, or whatever attire you desire and start over, You can not allow the word "FEAR" to stop your determination. Set goals , time management and be effective in the actions you choose that will allow you that change you set for yourself. There are 3 words you can apply to anything and I mean anything in your life. Hey if you don't believe me I DARE YOU to try my 3 words •Change •Choice •Chance If you want CHANGE you have to admit to yourself your faults, you have to be willing to accept responsibility for your actions, and most important learn to forgive..most people think the word "forgive" is forgetting NOT AT ALL...when you forgive someone in any situation, yes I said any situation...hear me out, when you allow your self internally to forgive someone of their actions, you are setting free those chains that they held over your life. Those moments when anxiety got the best of you, and you allowed fear to take over your CHAÑCE to break free. You become complacent within your own mental NEVER ever allow anyone that much occupancy in your mental. Allow your self a CHOICE to develop and grow from within your personal cell those walls you put up. It's okay to let them down one at a time for yourself, the last thing you want to do is miss a blessing. Give your self a CHANCE to have a CHOICE for CHANGE!!!!

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