returning to God's Intent

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Think of this, God gave Adam the world, 

Domain over all, but what he lacked was motivation, direction, an inspiration.

He peered upon this awesome being he had created to realize he had no other soul to cultivate his aspirations.

So who is supposed to be inspiring who? 

While men, yes fathers, have a goal, and interact with their daughters it is the mother’s foot -steps that should unfold.

We gave power to our daughter when we teach them their roll (role) yes it is OK to be submissive, it should be taught as her life given goal, to serve a man that only serves God, that should be taught as the perfect job, to look for a brother, father and friend, A man that is driven not lead by sin.

There is so much wrong in the world today,  it started to perish the moment women lost the ability, no, the desire to pray,  you see proverbs 31, the virtuous one, the diva, the sister, the girl of old school who thought out her role,  as a general rule.

I can't overlook the words. I understand why, you are embracing your manhood, as the apple of your mother’s eye, but for all of the women that don't know who they are. it is not the fault of their father or because of a brother they fall. They fell because they were never taught to stand, to stand for what’s right or to listen to or to tolerate a man. They take short cut, devalue self, they are led by example, they simple with arrogance value only wealth.

 Misplaced, direction, lost in design, purpose without reason, as life passes by 

Man is now in turmoil, lacking a place to rest, fearing the purpose no solace to say here rest on my chest (breast) I am here, a part of you, God greatest gift, the perfect life tool. (helpmate)

 But her mother never embraces the man. 

He was there and she refused to try to understand!

Sometimes mama ran him way and others times yes he did go astray, but personal never was it to be. I learned my purpose and I became free.

Free to understand there should be joy in catering to a man, Peeling back layers as you would describe, never an excuse, check the disgust in her eyes, what did they teach her? What was she told? Women told her their stories now she destined to feel their woes. They are not even her pains, her panic, or her fight. We took the wrong victim, setting them up for a journey that ends with them losing out in this life. (Man less) (loneliness) (single)

There was a time women learned to cook, clean, self-expression can't be learned in a book. There was a time where looking good was okay, but when we married it was for beyond beauty and you as a male dare not go astray. There was a time where simply put, women respected the man and moved in unison, as one organism designed to do more. She was he anchor, he her calmness after life's storms. Women need to be taught at 2 years of age, 12,  22, that while we can be all that we can, we flow, and are more at ease in the arms of a man. We create the home he returns to each day, we created the love that he longs and desires, we are for him the Sparks in the fire. The unyielding flames that keep the enemy at bay, and I blame the women who lost their ability, no their desire to pray. Women follow, we do what we see, our mothers and aunts, grandmothers, women we value give us footstep to keep, so look to the mother if it seem your girls gone astray, because she can’t lead another women if she hasn’t learned the way

Don’t make excuses, give reason to a cause, we got lost when the direction changed, yes we took a pause, a pause from our purpose, lost God’s design. Failed to reach pass the moments that simply define, the way that things should be, the Rosa Park cry, and we fail those that will follow, as tear flow from the eyes of them that give the words of misdirection, The words that binds us, that tell our daughter, he’s just too hard to find,  so seeking another, or just seeking God, the truth is to serve  a man with Honor a women, greatest Job

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