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How many years will go by until we finally realize that we are destroying the communities of the black lives as well as the black lives themselves? we are destroying out women by raping them, trafficking them for money and using them free of charge. our men are devalued labeled as a target for the next bullet. we are put in restraints and chokeholds without a cause. ALL WE WERE DOING IS BREAKING UP FIGHTS AND BUYING DRINKS AND SNACKS. BLAT BLAT!!!!!! another man down and he is BLACK. Black 25-34-year-olds are labeled lazy because they can seem to make it out of this system. waking up ours after ours looking for jobs trying to let the creative juices flow yet so much anger fills their soul it's hard to know when they should just stop and when they should go. they never know when a police officer will follow. questioning their integrity but letting their people go free of charge fully armed I'm tired. I'm tired of going into these programs that say they want to help me but then turn against me. black people that will push you away and disown you for their word to be kept clean for the white man's job. I'm not racist I speak the truth I didn't create racism but I can't say the same about you. as for these white games and cream control, I'm through I'm going to be me and do me to the fullest and not care what they think. 

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