Why you wont achieve your goals?

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This is the easiest question I have ever had to answer. Here is the main reason why you will not achieve your goals.

You are too busy looking at your obstacles and you have taken your eyes off the goal.

This was not a hard one to figure out because you were easily distracted. You were looking for the first person to talk to you the wrong way and then you went off. Your pride got in your way. It was an obstacle to you achieving what you needed to accomplish and there it is, right in your face again. And here is the part where you tell yourself that you have no control over it and that respect is respect. But to learn is a humbling experience. You need to check that attitude at the door because you are trying to find a new way. But I can tell you right now, you aint about nothing.

I am just checking to see if I pushed that button again.

The next reason you cant achieve your goals is because you have set the bar too low. Speaking from the guy side of the room I can tell you that the major goals many of us have is - let me let you think about it for a second. You guessed it - p*ssy. Its like a siren going off in your head. If you are a guy and you are reading this now, you are even wondering how you can get some right after I said the word. If you set the goal to becoming a master at your craft, everything else that you want in the world will come without asking. You cant stop natures engine but you sure can challenge it. Would if you approached school with the same drive, we wouldnt be able to get you to leave.

The last reason you wont achieve your goals is the pity party.

I know you have seen this one where you feel so bad and the only thing that would make you feel better is if everyone felt sorry for you. And you will drag out. You wont work on finding a a solution, you will work on setting up problems and then when things go wrong, you want to cry. This is where you expect everyone to pull out their violin and start playing that sweet music for you because you need to hear it. Nevermind hearing that you accomplished a great goal today or that you were able to overcome an obstacle that you were struggling with. This is more important. You need us to feel sorry for you so we can validate your life. You know, its called "self-esteem" for a reason. No one gives it to you. Its a part of you. You build it up in yourself.

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