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They tell me I matter but, they laugh at me everyday and then tell me i am mean. I don't think i am mean I am nice to everyone but I can't say the same for people being nice to me. they treat me like an animal and try to pump fear in me. they tell me their my friend but they talk about me behind my back and when they talk to me face to face it's nothing but slander not facts. 

they wonder why I stay to myself and do not fight back. 

I am not a person to sit around a tablfe and eat poision or gossip and the want to prove me wrong everytime because they don't want to admit that they are wrong. like they say I aint gonna lie and then they go and lie. 

they say I will admit but they don't admit nothing. 

they say so many things but it's all pride never humbly. 


one day I was walking down the street with my fist in the air and they ran ahead and placed a boulder in the middle of the pavement. so I couldn't get by. instead of getting mad. I picked up the boulder moved it and kept. going from then on they treated me like their slave purposefuly doing things to try and upset me but all I did was mov eon. I realized that I was stronger then them and didn't need to fight with such ignorance. 

I now walk with my head held hight not consumed with the negative vibes. that try to fill my mind. I know that God is on my side. so I have peace everyday and I have peace every night because, I know God is watching over my life. 

I gnore the loud abuse that try's to harm my mind. that try's to hurt me everytime God says no weapon formed agaisnt me will prosper so I know that it won't proper. 

no arrows that are thrown at me will be able to touch me in fact they will hit the ground or go the opposite directions. I have a selflove obscession.

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