when anger produces your future

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This is a story about a young 25 year old college student who was controlled by white supremacey. they gave hfer dirty clothes and poisoined food in the shelter's. where people welcomed her in their home and went hey got tired of her they abused her and kicked her out she on a thin Rock with a string connected to a cross she held on to the string praying to God that she would not let go of him. she was called a and passive aggressively abused by most of the world. I say most because, not all were like that but the majority was. she tells people the word of God while still repeating it to herself. she was working so hard in tryign to find herself and do the right thing that she ended up doing the wrong thing. desperatley in need of a job to keep a roof over her head she has to compromise her morals for a company to like her and respect her. she get's so angry and of course she is the one in the wrong because they will never admit the things they have put her through. the more she speaks up about the worng doing the more they hurt her. the more they press hard on their ceo  power and being right. they are so teritorial and hate that you can see the light. I'm bliding them with my light. TURN it off!!!!!!! your burning us!!!!!!!!we can't take it!!!!!! you are killing our ego, you are killing our pride. you are making us realize the hate that we have stored inside. and now what is revealed is all our lies. the lies we spread about you the hate we gave all because we didn't want to change. so we tried to force you to change. 

well I think it's time for a chang, so, I will unapologetically produce my youtube everyday. 

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