The stolen identity

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There once was a young girl who felt she had to protect herself. she never wa accepted from birth; they piled on her all their hurt. so much of their hurt and her hurt that she couldn't see her worth. she cried for days and then begain to online date thinking she could find her worth and identy in a computer screen. she didn't know that she was a queen covered by the lies of her genes. she was her mother and father's mistake but, to God she was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. 2020 reveals the truth that only God cares about you. welcomed into homes with an alterior motive one thing they couldn't see was her purpose. she was their to pray she was their to sing she was their to show them their identity but, they lied on her and slander her name just because she ate food out of their fridge and didn't pay a thing. family did it and someone complete strange. through it all she was protected by him the king yaweh. 

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