Relationship Tests That Every Man Will Fail

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In every relationship, there is a level of trial and error or as I would like to call them, "test." There are some tests that men should not be put in that situation because there is no way that we are going to pass them. So lets get started.

Never under any circumstances should a woman use the term "Are you a man or arent you?" or "What are you going to do about it?" This is a suddle but direct threat on our manhood. For a woman to challenge it means that she has lost all respect for you as a man. The reason that is is because she feels comfortable saying it. I am not saying that a man can push you into this situation but no matter how bad it gets, dont go there.

Please understand that there are places that men can take you ladies that we choose not to. And if a man does take you there, he is already losing man points.

Never under any circumstance ask a question and then use the term "You can be honest." That is a recipe for disaster. Just remember in the end you asked for it so you need to be ready to take it. And I am going to guarantee that you will not like what you hear.

If a guy accuses you of cheating, it does not mean that you are actually cheating. That is how he feels. Yes ladies, men have feelings too. You dont need to justify that you are not cheating because that will not help the situation. What your man is really saying is that he wants your attention and he needs some TLC. If you put your man in a situation where he feels like you are cheating, he just feels like you are giving someone or something more attention than him. We are babies like that.

Dont do ultimatums at least without some prep work. Ease us into an idea and then issue an ultimatum. If you jump at the ultimatum first, that is not going to work. We are not just wired like that.

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