Black Disposition
views: 442
To further advance the Black culture, we must first understand the state of the Black disposition and mind. The trauma of our ancestors echoes through our generations and lay dormant in our minds as insecurities and self-doubt. We have not fully recovered and recognized our full potential. The first step is to recognize where we are, so we can get to where we are going. Our minds are fragile and at constant war with ourselves. As an African-American, I am constantly at war with myself. As if I am split in two halves. A chaotic duality of imposter syndrome dwelling beneath melanin and shea butter. The duality of the African-American, mentioned in “Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Dubois, was present at the dawn of the 19th century. Sadly, the double-consciousness and duality still exist today and stifle the progress of our culture due the lack of harmony within ourselves. We are, simultaneously, at war with ourselves while defending against the injustices and stigmas unduly associated with the hue of our greatness.
To remedy the ailments placed upon us by society, we must begin every morning with affirmations of our worth and potential. We must, with intensity, develop and prepare ourselves for the world before we confront it; everyday. Use whatever means you need to prepare yourself, whether it be a mantra, motivational speeches, music, meditation, etc. I have provided a tool below to repeat every morning that will help your journey.
B- Boundless
L- Leader
A- Accountable
C- Conscious
K- Knowledgeable
When we recognize our potential we become boundless; uninhibited by unfounded notions of societies dogma. We are leaders of ourselves, our families and future generations. Furthermore, we are accountable for the fragility of our consciousness and must protect it. We must continue to learn and seek the knowledge required to unlock our dormant potential. We have only scratched the surface of our collective capacity. The reservoir of our collective conscious will quench our thirst for self-worth and black excellence.
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