Last Goodbye

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Last Goodbye

    "Stop worrying, we'll be fine.." 

"I know girl.. I know.." 

Like that the dreams were gone. Like always the dreams were the same. Casha didn't know why she was having these dreams of her mother. Whom had passed away four years earlier. The dreams seem to always be short and foggy. Casha never remembers the beginning or the end. All that she can recall when fully conscious.

Are those words. Her mother said to her, right before she died. 

      "I know girl.. I know.. I know."

Were the words Casha thought she heard her mother say. 

Casha has never been sure. Since the doctors and her siblings.

 Swear Casha's mother expired at 11:29p.m.

However Casha for serval months after their mother's death. 

Swore their mother had stood next to her at 11:32p.m. 

In front of the vending machine. Both being pickie with the variety of junk food the vending machine had to offer.

      Casha was sure of the time because, she had used the time to peruse her mother back to her room. So she had thought. Before their mother lost her weight or hair. Before the cancer took a turn for the worse. Casha's mother would roam the hospital halls. She would have chit chat with the Unit Clarks at the nurses stations. The security guards had escorted Casha’s mother back to her room, so much so that. Casha's mother knew them by first name. She Would guilt Casha or her sisters into bringing outside food for her favorites. 

The cafeteria was her spot. Where she would have long conversation with total strangers. Casha's mother was a walker. 

She couldn’t keep still for nothing. Once Casha asked her why she did it. Why did she walk so much? Queen-Mae Sadie Baker. 

Said she liked observing things, just watching. Queen-Mae felt her room had nothing to watch. At 11:32p.m. Casha said to her mother. 

"It's late, you should be in bed.." 

Casha's mother exhaled slow. Lefting her head to one side. 

Queenie-Mae than look up. To meet the identical dark cat eyes. 

She passed on to her oldest daughter. Casha thought to her self how tired her mother appeared. Casha looked at her watch and back at her mother. Again she tells her mother. 

“It's late.. You should go back to your room." 

       Something about watching the small brown, round faced woman. With the tightly closed robe and noise slippers. Walk slowly down the hall. Just didn't feel right to Casha. Sure she had looked at her watch again at 11:35p.m. Casha looked up just in time to see her mother turn the corner. That's when Casha reassured her mother with those words. 

"Stop worrying, we'll be fine." 

Casha never questioned it. Didn't give it a second thought.

 When Casha heard her mom say in a whisper. As though as she was right next to her ear say.

"I know girl.. I know.. I know.." 

The crown of her head tightened. Casha's body shook off cold chills. 

The kind that her grandmother would say meant. 

"Someone just walked over your grave.” Suddenly Casha was bein awakened by someone. Unfocused and still not yet alert. Casha looks at her watch which read 11:45p.m. She says off handily. 

"Damn, when did I doze off?" 

It took her a minute to realize. Who the swollen eyed brown girl was. 

"Mommy's gone!" Tuesday sobbed "mommy is gone!"

Casha quickly realized the person in front of her was her little sister Tuesday.

She stretched, yawned. 

Then looked at Tuesday with a raised eye brow and turned up lips.

In a throaty tired tone she begins to scold her little sister.

"Girl, this is a hospital.. You can not.." 

Casha was cut off by Tuesday's Screaming.

"Haven't you heard, anything I just said? Mommy is gone, Casha. Mommy is dead!”

 Now, not only was Casha awake. She was sure Tuesday was mistaken. Since she had spoken to their mother just a few minutes ago. Casha glance at her watch that now read 11:42p.m. Their mother should be just getting back to her room. 

"Tuesday, stop playing.. That's no way to joke!"

"Casha, come on now.. You should know I don't play like that!" 

Tuesday said, as she rolled her eyes thinking. How the *** could she think some like that.. Tuesday turned on the balls of her feet. Giving Casha her back. With arms folded under her breast. Speaking in a low wobbly voice. She turns quick to face her sister. 

"I've been looking for you!" 

Surprised by Tuesday's behavior. Casha stood forcing her sister to stumble back on her Nikes. Casha with out stretched arms. Looked at her watch and back at her angry sister. 

''Tuesday, I swear I spoke to mommie at 11:32..

She should be just getting back to her room!"  

Casha States with a wild stare and sure tone. Still pissed. Tuesday state flatly..

"You could not had talked to mom. Casha, she passed at 11:29, I’ve been looking for you!”

        Casha didn't realize it then. However, she would later remember and never forget. The look on her little sisters face. Casha's sister stared at her in silence as if, seeing her for the first time. Slowly Tuesday moved towards her sister, taking Casha's hands into hers. Tuesday looked into her big sisters dark cat eyes. Thinking maybe Casha can't accept it, just yet. Tuesday sat Casha down gently and placed her arm around her sisters shoulders. While they both began to rock gently back and fourth. In a soft low tone Tuesday says. 

"Casha tell me.." 

Tuesday had to blink hard to hold back her own tears, as she held Casha a little tighter. She called her big sister by her nickname. Something Tuesday hadn’t done since she was twelve years old. Remembering this made warm tears flow heavy down Tuesday's face. 

“Sister, tell me what mommy said.."

        All the while, Casha is telling her sister about the last conversation, she would have with their mother. All Tuesday could think of was. The fact that, their mother haven't walked or spoken in over three months..

                                                        The End


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