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Newpanther is not a movement, or statement, or supposed threat to the government as was in the days when I saw black afros, berets and black fists in the air on TV, on the streets and at family picnics.

However, it is a fond remembrance of those days. 

A village did raise children outside of our homes when our parents were at work while we enjoyed summer days in our neighborhoods, and during the hours we were inside the safety and security of our classrooms and churches. 

My poems are part autobiographical, part observation, part personal therapy, part dream and also, part fear. I’ll let you attempt to decipher which is the correct silo.

The evolution for me – was discovering that I am a writer of poems, and not a poet, which took years and a multitude of life experiences to understand the difference.

I had been on hiatus from writing for a few years, after submitting a few items on the Timbooktu site. Something I learned in church – a parable of the three servants who were given talents by their master before he went away on a journey. You know the story and how it ends. I was given something, which was birthed at the sudden death of my grandfather, and read at his funeral. Then, rather than create daily diaries – I don’t have the patience for that – poems, I could write and encompass everything I saw, felt and wanted to happen. The inspiration from my big cousin, whose poems I read, didn’t understand, but kept reading anyway.

The Poetry Vibes page came up during a black poetry site search. I just wanted to write again at my own pace. I wanted to read the works of other writers of poems to be inspired and to inspire as well…. and both things have happened.

I will not be at the top of the list for the amount of poems written, but check the offerings of those who do write often. 

Although there are three who I have “bookmarked” as favorites, poems and poetry is about how one feels, thinks and what one wishes, therefore, poems should not be “judged,” which is why I do not enter contests. How can another really judge the worth or rank what someone else feels, thinks and wishes?

But that’s me..


Someone who remembers, thinks, observes and wishes..

Just another writer of poems…

One of our poets has entered an article they would like you to read.


Check out some of the poems written by this poet