If you fly into a rage, you are not able to dodge BS. In fact, you might be the center of it. You could be radiating bad energy and not even know it. In fact, we need to get you a t-shirt that says "Project Rage" so people know what to expect when you come around. You dont want to explode, you want to focus it and point it at your goals. And then unleash that energy at the world
If you absolutely have to have more than one girlfriend or boyfriend, and thats all Im going to say about that.
Respect your parents and the people around you. You always protect your home life no matter what. You will need that support later on in life. I know that some people are just not right but still continue to show them some respect. There are some extreme cases when you have to put one of them in check but you need to know when to exerise it. So be cautious.