3 Wishes

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NOTE: THIS IS NOT POEM!! Just Humor. Little Humor I just came up with today!! Morrow of the Story is, He's not Dead He's just gone. A Genie told a Girl one Day. I will Grant you 3 wishes!! She replies: 3 wishes? The genie: Yes Three wishes!! Okay she said Since her Ex wouldn't Leave her Alone! (Crying about come on Baby let's work it out) The Genie replied Again: So, what are your 3 Wishes? She replied: I wish you VANISHED!! I wish you GONE!! I wish you LEAVE ME!! THE HELL ALONE!! FOREVER!! The Genie Blinked his eyes and leaned forward and said WISH GRANTED!!! The Next few days there were Flyers of his face posted on Light poles with MISSING!!! At the bottom.

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