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vehicles turn into taxi cabs Then there"s everyday people that turn their backyards and basements into weed and meth labs. You got people on line seeking others out for instant gratification But more often times than most they end up wasting time and money and experiencing secret humiliation. On social media celebrity death notices are transmitted in a blip So that people can type sad emoji's and say RIP. These days our loved ones can quickly create a Go Fund Me account For situations beyond their control to help to pay bills that surmount. American Idol & The Voice promise to make you an instant success. Reality TV shows making washed up housewives and has been actors and actresses act a complete mess. At home pregnancy and Covid tests making us all out to be doctors and nurses Self check out lanes making us out to be instant cashiers which they say lifts a costly burden off our wallets and purses. Go in debt and go to see a lawyer to file Chapter 7 or 13 then pay a fee then go on line and take a mini credit exit exam. Then you realize you really didn't learn anything all you did was cram. Fed Ex and UPS promising to get packages out By the next day. Which I don't have any qualms about that I must say. A wise person said that haste makes waste I deem it the:Microwave Society' Which to me is about as effective as a six step program for Sobriety.

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